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Visitors 11
Modified 16-Dec-09
Created 16-Dec-09
10 photos

cranes_-7319Abbots Lagoon Heron-7332Abbots Lagoon Heron-7343cranes_-7355cranes_-7373cranes_-7396cranes_-7400HWoodBandWHWoodBandW-9Pt. Reyes Moon-10

Guestbook for Point Reyes
These are wonderful. It is fun to see what you came up with while we were walking together. The close up of the heron is brilliant and I really like the sand pattern photos, especially since I tried but did not get results anywhere as good.

I'm still editing mine and adding them to Flickr (one per day) but won't get to Abbotts until next week.

I'm assuming Carolyn has not yet gotten to work on hers?
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